Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Day 8 - Start of week 2 - Nov 27

Pretty uneventful day. Caught both my buses perfectly. Nothing to do at work until late in the afternoon. They put me on a conference call talking about how to develop something new. Conference call went long. Didn't leave till almost 8 pm.

Used the oven for the first time. Had some leftover pizza to heat up. Couldn't find a pan to use, so used the box. Luckily I only did it for 5 mins, cause the box was burned.

Family was out and about. Didn't get to talk to them till about 1 am. Miss them more every day.

My little girl sends me emails every day. Gets me excited to get to work and read them.

I love reading the messages on Facebook, too. Keeps me somewhat connected.

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