Monday, November 27, 2006

Day 1 of the Italian Adventure - Nov 20

Left Birmingham. Kissed my wife and kids goodbye. That's usually the hardest part. When I go out of town, usually I drive myself to the airport. Most trips I leave early in the morning. This one, my wife kept the kids out of school and they all took me. I had lunch with my family at the airport and then they told me goodbye. Seeing my little girl and boy crying about killed me. Thought about turning around then and not going. Pushed on.

Flight to Atlanta was uneventful.

Waited a couple of hours and got on a plane headed for Rome.

That flight stunk. 9.5 hours of air time. Had a guy beside me hogging the arm rest. The meal was horrible. Movie was Pirates of the Carribean 2 - it stunk. I ended up watching Bad News Bears on my iPod. Took a NyQuil and tried to sleep. Maybe got 2 hours. I kept watching the monitor. It would show where we were on the map. Flew near Greenland and Iceland. Over France, Spain and finally into Rome.

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