Monday, November 27, 2006

Day 3 - Nov 22

Woke up at 7:30. Guess what the apartment didn't come furnished with? Bath towels. I dried off with a t-shirt. Got dressed, ate another Banana and went to the bus stop. Got on the right bus, but got off one stop too far. I was way early, anyway. They don't start work here until 9.

They set me up on the corner of a desk. Not really ready for me, yet. I read a document all morning. They came to get me at 1 for lunch. I couldn't read the menu, but recognized the word "Spaghetti". That's what I got. Of note, there are two types of water here - Sparkling and Natural. If you order water and get sparkling, it's a mistake you won't make twice. The sparkling isn't bad, it just tastes a lot different. It's bubbly and doesn't taste much like water. Acqua Naturale is how to order normal water. The spaghetti wasn't great, but was the first real food in almost 3 days.

I told them I hadn't talked to my family since Monday morning and they loaned me an Italian Cellphone. Finally got to talk to my wife and kids. That felt like I was dying. That put me over the edge. I wanted to go home. I had every intention of packing up and leaving. On top of that, my leg hurt. I was tired and emotional. I called my boss in Birmingham. He kind of ignored the leaving comment and arranged for me to be at the apartment on Thursday.

At the end of the day, I stopped by the supermarket and got more Bananas and stuff to make Spaghette - like I'm really gonna cook.

Went home. Called my wife and told her I was quitting and coming home. She reminded me Christmas was coming up and that it would be hard to get another job. Kind of rained on my plans. I was dying to go home. I took more Tylenol PM and went to bed.

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