Monday, November 27, 2006

Day 7 - Domenica (Sunday) - Nov 26

No church for me. I'm not Catholic! I downloaded a month's worth of Buddy's sermons. I haven't heard them anyway. I do 12th grade Sunday School at 8:15. See the students for a few minutes and then head over to my adult class at about 9:45 and then teach 2nd graders at 10:45, so I haven't been thru a full worship service in a couple of months.

Shaved my beard. That was pretty much a laziness thing anyway. Did it when I got sick. Now I'm skinny (well, to me) and clean shaven.

I decided that it was best for me to get out for a while so I didn't ruin the progress I made on Saturday. I got dressed and took the bus downtown. McDonalds. Hello Americano. Bacon Cheeseburger, fries and a real Coke. 6 EU - almost $8. Not my money. Oh my! Wasn't the best I've had, but it sure hit the spot. Was tough watching all the families, but I've decided I'm not gonna quit.

Went to Blockbuster after lunch. Couldn't figure out how to rent movies, but I wasn't sure I wanted to yet anyway. My computer plays DVDs, but DVDs are region coded. You can only change the region code so many times before it's permanent, so I wanted to try it before I started renting lots of movies. A buddy of mine at church (Mark McWhorter) was an extra in the movie "Big Fish", so I selected that one. I've learned enough Italian to know if the movie has more than one language, this one has English, too. 9.90. About $13 US. First thing I've bought with my money.

Went home and watched my new movie. Couldn't find my buddy. Still a few hours till my family will call. Studio 60 and Friday Night Lights didn't work on my computer. I watched Heroes. Saw Jon Metz post that it was a great series. He was right. Three episodes and I'm hooked. I'm out of episodes now.

Family called. I didn't get emotional. Told them I was OK. My son got on the phone and told me he loved me and missed me. Then I choked up. I heard him tell Deidra - "Daddy's crying again." I almost hit the floor laughing.

Called my wife later when I was lying in bed. Just was thinking about her. I'm not always the best husband and it's tough to make up for it over here.

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