Thursday, December 7, 2006

Day 18 - Dec 7

Better day. They actually explained the project to me. Taken most of the day to get it set up. The Siemens laptop is too slow, so I'm using my company laptop.

The holiday tomorrow is "Immacolata Concezione" (obviously Immaculate Conception). They celebrate the fact that Mary gave birth to Jesus without "knowing a man."

I'm going shopping sometime over the next couple of days. Getting us a printer so my wife can print stuff for Alyssa. In case you didn't know, my wife is going to home-school Alyssa while we are over here. Also gonna go ahead and get Deidra a phone, so she'll have one when she gets over here. I found a store like Best Buy. UniEuro. Not far from McDonalds and Blockbuster.

Looks like my break at home won't be as long as I wanted. I come home on the 21st. They want me back at work on Jan 8 or 9. Which means leaving on Saturday or Sunday. I would love to be able to go to "normal" church while I'm home. Dec 24 and 31 will not be normal services. Not sure we'll even have Sunday School. I sure hope so, though.

I doubt I'll be able to check email again before Saturday or Sunday. But I love getting email.

Monday is Internet day. Which means I can surf freely from the comfort of my couch. Also - FACEBOOK. I miss facebook. Once a week is killing me.

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