Thursday, December 7, 2006

Day 17 - Dec 6

Not much exciting going on today. Nothing to do. Checked email a few hundred times. Played freecell.

Waiting on them to give me directions. They keep telling me they want to meet with me, but they don't have time.

Stopped at the store, got a little food. Picked up a pizza on the way home. Pepperoni is spicy salami. It is much spicier than at home. Luckily, I have Pepcid AC.

Leg is probably healed as much as it is going to. May never look the same. It still hurts, but not nearly like it did when I was in the hospital. I hope it's healed, anyway. I finished my medicine.

Watched a couple of episodes of "Heroes" and went to bed about 9 pm. Family called sometime around 11.

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