Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Day 15 - Dec 4

Been learning more and more Italian. They respect the fact that I'm trying. They ordered my lunch for me. When it came time to pay, one of the girls was going to tell the waitress what I had, but I stopped her and said I can do it and did. It made them smile, especially since my pronunciation was correct and I did it right. Basically, I had pollo con patata, crostata e caffe. That's chicken and potatoes, some kind of merainge (sp?) tart and coffee. When I got back to the office, they were calling people in the other office bragging on me. Made me feel good.

Didn't do much today. Sat around and played with the code. But tomorrow they'll fill me in on what they need me to do.

Watched "The Santa Clause 2". Cute movie. Very good. I wanted to make sure I'm caught up so I can take my kids to see the new one when I get home.

Sixteen more days here. Tomorrow I'm at the halfway point. I'm not dreading going home, by any means. But it's a lot different now. This is an awesome place. The time is starting to fly by. I'll be excited to come home, but I'll be excited for my family to come back with me.

Saw where Florida will play for the national championship. Awesome! AU was the only team to beat them. :-)

Read about the Bucs great victory over the Rebels. Serves them right. What's a Rebel doing in December? Watching the Bucs on TV, again.

God is GOOD! We are not. Been studying Romans 8. Flesh vs. Spirit. Must read stuff!


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